Funn stuff!
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this is where you find about all the kewlest stuff on the GUYS!!
Hi there!!! look around for stuff that you might not have known about AT all!!! you'll see...just peek a bit!! if there's something you'd like us to add to our site...e-mail

okay, just look around!! come on...we wannu know what you think!!
okay if you want to know facts about the guys, click on the facts button! if you want to see quotes from the guys, click the quote button!!0
  Did you know...?
Did you know that Plus One's name was acually Blue??? yeah! it'z true, the performed under that name~!~!~

fact button ...down
we will tell you just the little funny things about the guys!! like, did you know that gabe's first lunch box was supermans???

facts or quotes

Visit one of our sibling sites!!! it's an AWESOME charity! it gives bibles to the children who need it....drumroll please...HANDS AND FEET!

Add your link here

The newz letter, you ask?
yes, it'z true, if u give uz ure email addy we'll send you the newz letter that we're going to put 2gether soon! it will have all the new info on them, sum pics and other great stuff!!! sign~up 2day~!~ "HOW" you ask? go to the guestbook~!~

And you think...?
we want to know what you think about our site, here's a couple wayz, email us....
message what you think...
guest book~!~ post and let uz know your commentz, don't forget to give uz ure email, a newz letter will "be" sent out!!!!!!!!!!!!